Problem description: My child’s teeth were not good when he was young. Now I want to correct him. How many teeth can be corrected?
Question date: 2020-09-23
Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: Female
4-5 can correct teeth.
Generally speaking, the most suitable age for correction is around 12-13, that is, the replacement of deciduous teeth has just ended. At this time, one is because the teeth have just been replaced and the bite is basically stable, and the other is that this age is fast During the developmental period, the reconstruction and absorption of the alveolar bone will be more active, which is beneficial to the correction. Of course, if it is said that there is a bone problem, especially if the teeth are inverted, it is generally recommended that 4-5 can be corrected, so as not to hinder the later bone development.
It is recommended to quit smoking, quit drinking, pay attention to dental hygiene, protect gums, do regular dental checkups, refrain from eating cold foods, and protect braces to prevent soft tissues from being injured.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination