Problem description: I have protruding gums from the lower part of the gums. I don’t feel it is ugly if I have not corrected them. How to correct the protruding gums?
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: Female
Protrusion of gums can be corrected with braces.
Protrusion of gums can generally be corrected. The protruding teeth can be retracted by wearing braces, so as to achieve the degree of gum recovery. However, for the protruding gums caused by bony reasons, surgery is generally required, and orthodontic treatment may be used later after the surgery.
Patients with protruding gums, it is recommended to go to the stomatology department of the hospital for a film examination. According to the results of the examination, the orthodontist will give a more reasonable treatment plan.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination