This article is from WeChat official account: growth (ID: lvshicai8) in his composition , Author: Yang Sheng, the original title: “The Internet giants that “do not respect military ethics” are using capital to take away the livelihoods of countless small vegetable vendors. This is immoral and must be antitrust”


The business model of “community group buying” has become more and more popular this year. Recently, the topic of community group buying in the public opinion field is also very hot. As a person with hindsight, I only noticed this format and tried it after the articles and topics on “community group buying” in my circle of friends became popular.

In fact, some time ago I went to a large supermarket in the community to get JD Express. The owner of the supermarket took over JD’s business, so I can distribute some express delivery income while selling goods. But at that point that day, I saw hundreds of small plastic bags at the entrance of the supermarket, each with a paper strip tied to it, and various vegetables in the bag. The lady boss is playing with those bags.

I already took my courier and walked far away, but still couldn’t help being curious, so I came back and asked the lady boss what was going on with so many bags. The lady boss said it was the best group purchase of Xingsheng, and waited for the customer to pick up. .

Of course I’ve heard of Prosperity Optimal. I heard that it’s very popular. It’s very cheap to buy fruits and vegetables on dough. But I have never tried something new, and I didn’t plan to try it. In fact, before I heard about Prosperity Optimal, about two years ago, a friend recommended me to buy “You, Me, You” in a local community in Changsha, saying that there are “you, me, you” leaders in many communities, and group shopping is very popular. . Of course, the recommended friend is not because he likes group buying, he is just researching and looking for investment opportunities.

As for me, I just listened to it. I didn’t want to buy it in the past, let alone study their model in the past. I thought “You, Me, You” was very popular. I read the report a few days ago. In August 2019, “You, Me, You” was sold as the “Ten Hui Group”. Now the “Shi Hui Group” and “Xingsheng Optimal Group” are the two most popular. Representative community group buying head start-up companies.

The latest news is that Internet giants such as Meituan, Didi, Pinduoduo, Ali, JD, ByteDance, etc. have joined the community group buying. The brands of these giants entering the community group buying are: