Problem description: Recently, I have always been in a particularly low mood. I always feel unhappy and depressed. There is nothing to raise interest in. How should neurosis be treated?
Question date:2020-09-24
Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: Female
The method of treating neurosis is general There are drug therapy, behavior therapy, and psychotherapy.
Drug therapy: help patients control their emotions by taking antidepressant and neurotrophic drugs; behavior therapy: cultivate more hobbies, actively participate, and distract, such as yoga, tennis, etc.; psychotherapy: The psychiatrist conducts psychological communication and counseling on patients, and guides the patients to correctly understand the stressors to alleviate the condition.
In daily life, stay away from stressful environments, actively participate in outdoor activities, have a suitable way to relieve stress, and maintain an optimistic attitude.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection