What fruits can I eat during menstruation

Women need to pay attention to diet during menstruation, not to eat cold foods and excessive stimulation Foods, these foods will have some effects on menstruation. Some fruits will also affect menstruation after being eaten. So what fruits can be eaten during menstruation?

In fact, women can eat more fruits during menstruation. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins and some nutrients, which are good for the body. It can also prevent constipation and avoid pelvic congestion. However, some cold fruits are not recommended to be eaten during menstruation. Among them, watermelon, grapefruit, and pears are all cold fruits and are not recommended to be eaten during menstruation.

Common fruits with warm sex are still edible. Among them, papaya, grapes, and apples can be eaten during menstruation. Of course, these fruits are edible , But pay attention to a balanced diet during menstruation, a reasonable combination of diet during menstruation, and more common cereals, including protein-rich foods.

A reasonable diet can replenish the body with balanced nutrients, and it also has the benefits of regulating menstruation. Keep your abdomen warm during menstruation to avoid coldness, so as not to cause Palace cold, causing abdominal pain and other conditions. Pay attention to your personal hygiene before menstruation, change underwear frequently, avoid sex, so as not to cause gynecological diseases.