This article is from WeChat official account:Biology Ba (ID: ShengWuXueBa), author: SOOF, original title: “President of Tsinghua University, said Dr. deferred credit will affect their loans in banks: so many risks delaying graduation brought ……”, drawing from the head : Visual China

Most people get a Ph.D. in order to study their knowledge thoroughly. There are some twists and turns in the middle, it is normal to spend more time.

According to statistics, the proportion of postponed doctoral degrees has approached 70%, and more and more people have accepted postponed doctoral degrees by default. However, the risks of postponement are not well understood by many people.

Picture source: China Education Online

On November 28, 2020, Tsinghua University’s official Weibo account @人文清华 released a video. The famous economist and Professor Jiang Xiaojuan from the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University mentioned in the lecture: If you have not graduated with a PhD in six years, it may affect loan credit.

Picture source: Weibo screenshot

In less than a minute, Mr. Jiang “says hello” to the students twice. If he cannot graduate with a PhD in six years, his credit points will be deducted by the Internet Bank’s risk control.

What is going on here?

The source of this lecture was on the forum of “Humanities Tsinghua University” on November 20, and the topic was “Digital Economy Deconstruction and Linking”. The full replay video of the lecture can be found at the official Tsinghua University at station B.

In the lecture, he talked about the brand-new credit management model of Internet banks. Professor Jiang used Internet bank lending as an example to introduce the risk control model of the digital economy.

Traditional banks need to review previous credit records, see if there are mortgage assets, and demonstrate whether the production plan is feasible, etc., while Internet banks mainly use platform algorithms for risk control, whether there is any delay in repaying credit cards, and whether there are other bad credit records Wait.

Here, she quoted as an example that the postponement of the doctorate may be a performance of lack of self-control, so credit points will be deducted.

Picture source: screenshot of lecture video

Some netizens haven’t learned all the information yet, so they become a keyboard man in a hurry, this duck is unnecessary. Graduate students can completely put down their minds and continue to engage in scientific research with peace of mind.

Because the delayed graduation of doctoral students affects their credit scores, there must be the following prerequisites:

First of all, this example is an Internet banking model, not a traditional bank. In the review of traditional banks before lending, academic qualifications, job positions, and various credit records are all important considerations.

These indicators are still very important in similar businesses of Internet banking. Only in the use of data, Internet banks rely on network data platforms to innovate in credit evaluation and theoretically have better risk control, but this still needs time to test.

Second, algorithm. The algorithm mentioned by Professor Jiang in the lecture is actually a comprehensive risk control method based on Internet big data. The amount of data obtained by Internet banks is much higher than that of the traditional financial industry, which is more comprehensive and complete, and will rely more on algorithms in decision-making.

Therefore, the number of years of Ph.D. that was not included in the evaluation index is included in the evaluation index.

But we also need to consider that there are many new indicators added, which will reduce the weight of a single data. The author boldly speculates that as long as the delay in graduation is not caused by severe penalties, there should not be any major negative effects.

Thirdly, the self-control of many netizens complains is a secondary indicator. In the risk control of bank lending, self-control is a very soft indicator, which is generally related to whether the lender is likely to have malicious defaults and bad debts, and belongs to the scope of the willingness to repay.

Relatively speaking, repayment ability is more important, including collateral, asset status, income status, budget status, whether future cash flow can cover the loan principal and interest, etc. This is the basis for objective repayment.

The banking industry has been developing for so long, and there has long been a whole set of methods to deal with people who have the ability but are not willing to repay. Take a step back and say that in this world, there are only a few people with good self-control. Are banks only doing business with a few people?

The potential impact of postponed graduation of Ph.D.

Delayed graduation has minimal impact on personal credit, but this does not mean that postponed doctoral students can sit back and relax. Delaying graduation will indeed bring many risks to PhD students.

First of all, of course, the subsidy that could barely support oneself is completely gone. After the postponement of graduation, many doctoral students’ subsidies dropped sharply or even returned to zero.

After years of hard studies, PhD students who are no longer young not only can’t make up for their families, but they also have to ask their parents for help. The pressure to survive increases sharply. Moreover, part-time work in an external network does not fundamentally solve the problem. Instead, it takes more time and energy, making one’s graduation more and more distant.Nowhere in sight.

The second is to face the increasingly severe employment situation. After graduation, I always find a job, the economy is down, the industry is shrinking, and the employment situation every year is more difficult than the previous year. The positions in colleges and universities are occupied by early birds. The later you graduate, the harder it is to enter colleges and universities.

Another issue related to employment is the identification of fresh graduates. In the job market with Chinese characteristics, many policies and benefits are only for fresh graduates. For example, only fresh graduates are recruited for selected and transferred students, and the settlement policies in some cities are only for graduates. For PhDs who are postponed for N and a half years, they may not be recognized as fresh graduates because they are not in front of the village and not in the shop when they graduate.

Third, medical insurance. During the Ph.D. period, he enjoys free medical care, and going to the school hospital to see a doctor is like no money. Once the graduation is postponed, this benefit will be gone and the medical expenses will be borne by oneself. Don’t feel that you are physically strong and will not get sick. If there is no public medical treatment, a small headache and brain fever may cost thousands, not a decimal!

Picture source: a university’s official website

Fourth, student loans. On August 22, 2000, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance issued the “Supplementary Opinions on the Management of Student Loans”. Article 3 stipulates that students who continue to study for postgraduate and second bachelor The loan period was extended accordingly.

Picture source: official website of the government

There are many types of student loans, and the extension will increase the interest that needs to be repaid, which will undoubtedly make the students of poor background even worse.

Fifth, social security and seniority. The retirement age is fixed. Delaying graduation is tantamount to shortening the number of years of work in the future, reducing the length of service, and having an impact on pensions. Nowadays, the eligibility for housing purchase and settlement in many cities are linked to social security. Delaying graduation will cause delays in these matters and lag behind others.

How to avoid risks?

After comparing the above potential risks, it is not difficult for us to find that it is not a big deal to affect the credit investigation. It is already the smallest negative impact caused by the delay in graduation. Even for the aforementioned risks, there are corresponding measures to avoid them and minimize losses.

The subsidy can be discussed with the instructor. Don’t be embarrassed, just pay for it.

If the position is good, you can sign a directional contract in advance to lock the position and salary early. This can minimize the uncertainty in the future, and let yourself have a bottom, hedging the risks caused by changes in the job market.

As for the status of fresh graduates, we should strive for reasons. The postponement of a Ph.D. means a delay in graduation, not a job waiting after graduation. Students pay attention to keeping relevant certificates and documents, and fully explain to the employer to strive for the identity of the freshman.

The issue of medical insurance is very important. Please consult the employment guidance service center of your school and ask what to do.

Student loans can generally apply for the principal repayment grace, which used to be 3 years, but now it is extended to 5 years. Just remember to go to the bank to do it in time, don’t miss the time.

Social security is a life-long event, and it becomes more important as it goes on. If you are anxious to buy a house and settle down, you can bring your ID card to the social insurance center of the county or district where your household registration is located to participate in endowment insurance. But it should be noted that if you participate in the insurance, you may not be recognized as a fresh graduate when you graduate. This point must first be understood clearly.

Relatively speaking, length of service may be a trivial matter. Moreover, some units now count the time spent studying for a Ph.D. into the length of service, which is very humane.

Of course, if you say a thousand words and ten thousand, the best avoidance is definitely not to postpone~(This is nonsense!) p>

Delayed graduation of domestic Ph.Ds has become a common phenomenon, so will foreign PhDs be postponed? Most of them don’t have this statement.

Most research universities in the United States do not set a fixed graduation deadline for doctoral students. Taking into account the specific majors of each student, the different types of thesis topics, the different research methods, the different workloads required, and the students’ personal finances The situation and time arrangement are also different. The graduate school has great flexibility in the graduation period of the doctoral degree, so there is no so-called postponement of graduation.

If you think about it carefully, if you uphold the concept of lifelong education, you should not set too many thresholds on the length of Ph.

The journey to Ph.D. is extremely difficult, and there are more and more risks to face. Since they all say that they value talents, should the government give guidance or something? Don’t discriminate against postponed PhDs in employment.

After all, the postponement would have been miserable, and it needs more care and kindness.

This article is from WeChat official account:Biology Ba (ID: ShengWuXueBa), author: SOOF, original title: “President of Tsinghua University, said Dr. deferred credit will affect their loans in banks: so many risks delaying graduation brought ……”