Problem description: I checked before, the scoliosis has been more than 30 degrees, now it is 45 degrees, and the scoliosis is getting more and more serious. I have tried many ways, but it doesn’t work for me. , How should I go for treatment?
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 43 Gender: Female
For scoliosis, find it early , Early treatment is the key. Seek medical attention as soon as possible to prevent the development of deformity symptoms.
The early manifestations of scoliosis include uneven shoulders, asymmetric backs on both sides when bending forward, and a bulge on one side. It should be noted that since patients with scoliosis generally have no symptoms, when a child is found to have scoliosis, it is often too late. Early detection mainly depends on physical examinations by parents, school teachers and doctors. Normally, a general survey of the bending test can be performed. If one side is found to be high, it indicates that there may be scoliosis and rotation. Scoliosis is mainly manifested as a spine deformity with one or several segments curved to the side or accompanied by vertebral rotation. As the age increases, the bending gradually increases, which in turn affects the balance of the body. In severe cases, it affects breathing and heart function, and even nerve compression and paralysis.
Suggestion: Follow the doctor’s advice for exercise therapy and wear a brace. Maintaining a good lifestyle and functional exercise will help prevent and treat scoliosis.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection