Problem description: I recently felt that my back was very uncomfortable, and my body was a little slanted when I walked. I didn’t feel it myself. All my family members have my back bent. When the body is flexed forward, the back or waist is asymmetrical. Is scoliosis due to spinal hyperplasia?
Date of problem: 2020-09-28
Patient information: Age: 41 Sex: Male
Scoliosis is not due to spinal hyperplasia The causes of various types of scoliosis are diverse, and the pathogenesis is not clear. Its occurrence is related to the patient’s age, neuromuscular function, skeletal development, trauma, and genetic factors. It is generally considered to be caused by systemic or local Due to a combination of factors.
Scoliosis, commonly known as scoliosis, refers to a spinal deformity in which one or several segments of the spine are bent sideways or accompanied by rotation of the vertebral body. The plain radiograph of the spine shows that the spine has a lateral curvature greater than 10°, which can be diagnosed as scoliosis. This disease usually occurs in adolescence, and the symptoms gradually intensify with age. In severe cases, it affects breathing, heart function, and even spinal cord compression and paralysis. Scoliosis is mostly a progressive disease with no obvious cause. However, a small number of non-structural (functional) scoliosis can be caused by pain, inflammation or trauma. Once the cause is removed, it can return to normal, but the long-term inducement can also develop into structural scoliosis.
Recommendation: For different types of scoliosis, the treatment principles and methods are different. Therefore, individualized treatment is required for patients with scoliosis, and sometimes comprehensive treatment is required.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection