Problem description: I am a breastfeeding mother now, but I recently found out that my lumbar disc is protruding. What should I do if I am breastfeeding?
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
For some milder disease For these patients, treatment measures other than therapies can be taken to prevent the treatment from affecting breastfeeding. For some patients with particularly severe disease, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding and then take some intensive treatment.
Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc during breastfeeding is usually caused by fatigue. Obvious symptoms may occur, such as pain in the waist, especially when getting up or bending over The sensation will be very serious, or accompanied by numbness of the lower limbs. For most patients, it is caused by long-term unreasonable standing or sitting posture. It is also called “postural low back pain.” Prevention, or rehabilitation after illness, correcting posture, reducing waist curvature, and maintaining the upright posture of the waist are all very important.
Recommendation: It is recommended to sleep on a hard board bed as much as possible while cooperating with traction and massage for treatment. Oral drugs are not considered temporarily.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection