Problem description: When doing housework recently, I always felt pain in the lumbar spine and buttocks when I moved my waist. Sometimes I can’t help it with a little energy. What is the reason?
Question date: 2020-09-28
Patient information: Age: 45 Gender: Female
The pain in the butt and waist junction, Consider the pain caused by lumbar disc herniation and compression of the sciatic nerve.
Lumbar disc herniation is more common in older patients, caused by degenerative lumbar disc disease. It can also happen to young people, mainly due to improper waist force, such as the protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc caused by improper waist force when lifting heavy objects. When the intervertebral disc protrudes to both sides, it can compress the spinal nerve roots on both sides, causing lumbar pain. At the same time, it can compress the sciatic nerve, causing sciatic nerve pain, causing a radiating pain from the waist, the top of the buttocks, and even from the thigh to the calf.
Recommendation: The treatment method should be based on the severity of the patient’s condition. For severe patients, conservative treatment is given priority, including bed rest, waist support, medication, acupuncture, manual therapy, topical plaster, etc. Severe patients should be operated on Treatment includes minimally invasive surgery and open surgery.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection