Problem description: I found calcification of my lumbar disc herniation during imaging examination in the hospital. What is the cause of the calcification of the lumbar disc herniation?
Question date: 2020-09-28
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
Lumbar disc herniation and calcification are considered A better performance for the body to repair itself.
Because after lumbar disc herniation, the prognosis and trend can be divided into several situations: through active treatment, the protrusion is returned and absorbed. Calcification is the reduction of water content of protrusions, the growth of new blood vessels, and the deposition of calcium salts. Finally, calcification is gradually formed. When calcification is formed, the protrusions do not move forward or backward like soft disc protrusions, causing some It hurts badly, but stabilized. So when we reach a certain age, as we get older, in principle, the pain that appears in the waist and legs is often not just a lumbar disc herniation, but more because of the calcification of the lumbar disc herniation, and the facet joints on both sides converge. , The posterior ligamentum flavum is thickened, and lumbar spinal canal stenosis appears together.
Recommendation: Although the protrusions may be fixed and will not move freely after calcification, it may also cause intervertebral canal stenosis. Therefore, it is usually necessary to prevent lumbar disc herniation, strengthen the strength of the lumbar spine, and prevent lumbar muscle strain.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection