Problem description: The company collectively reported a marathon outskirts event, and I want to run a marathon, but I have flat feet, can I run a marathon?
Question date: 2020-09-28
Patient information: Age: 32 Gender: Male
Flat feet cannot run a marathon. Because of flat feet, without the protection of the arch, it will cause the nerves and blood vessels of the plantar to be compressed and cause pain and discomfort.
Flat feet means that the arch of the foot is too low. Under the arch of the foot, the blood vessels and nerves in the sole of the foot pass through. When walking, you will be oppressed, especially long-term compression can cause pain and pain, and may cause abnormal blood supply and abnormal kinesthesia of the foot. But the main reason is that the pain is obvious, and high-intensity training can be done, but it is not suitable for long-term running and walking. This is the reason why flat feet cannot be used as soldiers. When adults have flat feet for the first time, the feet have arches in a non-weight-bearing state. , The arch of the foot disappears after weight bearing. At this time, due to the existence of joint mobility, it is called reversible flat feet or flexible flat feet. If there is joint disease, limited mobility, and deformity that cannot be reset, it is called rigid flat feet.
Recommendation: Patients with flat feet are best not to exercise and stand for a long time, and usually perform functional exercises of the internal and external muscles of the foot, such as plantar walking, plantar flexion exercises, and external heel-lifting exercises. Also choose shoes with good arch support.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection