Problem description: During this period of time, when the season was changing, some small red spots appeared on my body. The doctor said it was seasonal eczema on the skin. What should I do about seasonal eczema on the skin?
Question date:2020-09-30
Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: Female
Skin seasonal eczema can choose oral Medication or topical medication.
Oral drugs can choose anti-allergic drugs, and external drugs can be applied with moisturizer and antibiotic ointment for comprehensive treatment, which can achieve a two-pronged approach, and the therapeutic effect is very good. The specific treatment method should also be determined according to the symptoms of the disease and physical fitness . Precautions should be taken during the medication period. In spring, you should avoid going to places with lots of flowers, plants and trees.
Pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life, take a bath frequently, and control the water temperature at around 35 degrees when bathing. It should not be too hot, otherwise it will cause local skin damage.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection