Problem description: When I went to the toilet yesterday afternoon, both nostrils began to bleed, and slowly the right nostril stopped flowing, and the left nostril kept flowing until now. When the head is flat, it will not flow, and it will flow back to the throat when it is tilted back. It is filled with gauze and ghee to stop the bleeding. What should I do if this is the case
Question date:2020-10-03
Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: There are many clinical causes that can cause nosebleeds. It is recommended that patients also pay attention to monitoring their blood pressure to see if there are any abnormalities.
Guidelines: Most of the considerations are related to the excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa. It is recommended to see if there is this problem.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection