Problem description: Poor erection. . It is always easy to stimulate enough. Sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s soft, sometimes half of it is soft, and it doesn’t feel exciting, and sometimes it comes out very quickly. . . Is it related to weight? . There was no such feeling two years ago. . If the foreskin is fully covered when it is not erect, is there any problem with the foreskin being too long? The testicles are very soft during erection. It’s not as hard as others, it’s not very rough, it depends on what you can do. . .
Question date:2020-10-03
Patient information:Age: 25 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, I am very happy to serve you. I have erectile dysfunction, have a long foreskin, and have erectile dysfunction for three months in a row, which can be called impotence. .
Guide and suggestion: If you have frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, urologists should check the physical examination, urinary routine and b-ultrasound, prostate fluid, to rule out prostatitis. Do not smoke or drink alcohol, avoid sitting and riding for a long time, taking Xianlexiong to improve sexual function, or conditioning with Chinese medicine.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection