Problem description: I always feel itchy inside the penis when I go to bed at night, just like a bug crawling again and messing around.
Problem date:2020-10-03 < br />Patient information:Age: 49 years old, Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello, from the description of this situation, I feel inside the penis during sleep at night For itching, consider symptoms caused by urethritis, prostate fluid, etc.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended to drink plenty of warm water, avoid spicy and stimulating food and seafood, quit smoking and drinking, change underwear frequently to reduce psychological pressure. Oral treatment with levofloxacin hydrochloride and other drugs, if the symptoms cannot be relieved, routine urine tests, prostate fluid, drug sensitivity testing, and effective drug treatment can be used.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection