It is love and perseverance that make many people here never give up the “children” who accompany them.

Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “DoNews” (ID: ilovedonews), Author: Di Zaiyao, Editor: Yang Bocheng.

In the 1950s, the theorist Hong Xuntao told the story of Ma Liang’s ability to turn his paintings into objects in the magic brush Ma Liang. No matter what Ma Liang draws on the wall, he can immediately create real objects.

A hundred years later, in a trendy game industry from niche to the general public, the blind boxes and figures that players are chasing are born from the designer’s drawings.

The most rewarding moment of being a designer is to see toys take shape and put them on the market. This is the voice of most designers.

Blind box, trendy play, and hand-made toys. Behind each toy, there is a designer who revises and polishes it over and over again from graphic sketches to 3D modeling or hand-made. Trendy games ranging from tens of dollars to hundreds of thousands include various costs such as design costs, materials, and losses. For players, what they buy back is not only toys but also companionship. For designers, each work is more like its own child.

On December 11, Bubble Mart was listed on the Hong Kong stock market, and on December 18, TOP-TOY, a collection store of MINISO, landed in Guangzhou. More small and medium-sized studios have entered the trendy play industry, and more related professional designers have poured into the trendy play field…

Illustrators, graphic designers, art majors, sculpture majors, animation majors, etc. have joined the field of fashion designers. On the surface, this industry seems to be very attractive, but in fact it is also accompanied by A painful, brain-burning industry.

“Into the Pit” Trendy Play Design

Out of love for toys and hand-made toys, Hooo started making hand-made toys and participated in toy fairs to promote their original hand-made toys in April and May this year. Hooo and her husband Wooo are both surnamed Huang, so they give He named Hewuang, which is also the vocal combination of Hanyu Pinyin Huang.

The bow is also a hand-made and prototype designer. The third is an animation major, but he still has an obsession with art and sculpture. After working, he enters the Mo Na Mo workshop to become a prototype designer, the sculptor, Wase, and broom He sculpted most of the prototypes of collaborative derivatives of artists such as Guajila, Liu Dongzi and others.

“It’s happy to do what you love.” Gong San recalled, “When I was a kid, I saw a dough maker on the side of the road. I stood for a long time to see how he did it. Finally, I bought his noodles and went home. Pinch it away.”
