Can spinach be eaten

Pregnant women’s diet cannot lack a variety of vegetables to match each other, and each kind of vegetable has unique nutritional value, such as spinach. Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are of great help to the body’s nutritional supply. However, some people think that spinach contains oxalic acid, which will affect the calcium absorption of pregnant women. So, can pregnant women eat spinach?

First of all, spinach can promote growth and development, while having strong disease resistance. Through experiments, it was found that spinach contains a lot of carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the human body. At the same time, it can maintain the health of epithelial cells, which is of great help in preventing diseases. And spinach is rich in phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, etc., which can provide a variety of nutrients to the human body. So pregnant women can eat more spinach.

In addition, some people think that spinach contains oxalic acid, which will affect the absorption of calcium. Pregnant women can use some water before taking spinach, so as to reduce the content of oxalic acid, and then use cooking methods, so that the nutritional value of spinach can be fully absorbed. Especially the iron in it can effectively alleviate iron deficiency anemia.

So pregnant women can eat spinach. If you are afraid of the oxalic acid in it, you can use water to drop some, so that the oxalic acid will be greatly reduced. And spinach can promote people’s metabolism and increase physical health. Pregnant women eat more spinach to reduce the risk of stroke.