Problem description: I suffered from frozen shoulder last year. I went to the hospital for an MRI a few days ago. The examination result may have edema. What should I do with frozen shoulder edema?
Question date: 2020-10-08
Patient information: Age: 26 Gender: Female
Frozen shoulder and edema can be used with heat Apply warm compresses with towels.
The edema caused by frozen shoulder can be relieved by local hot compress, microwave treatment, ozone treatment, infrared treatment, treatment, and closed treatment. Edema is usually caused by local adhesion and aseptic inflammation. It is caused by improper functional exercise or excessive functional exercise. Active treatment for the cause can quickly relieve the edema. After the edema is relieved, the pain symptoms will also be significantly reduced. The course of frozen shoulder is a chronic accumulation process, and there are many treatment methods, but functional exercise of the shoulder joint is the main treatment to help recovery.
Recommendation: Local topical treatment with blood-activating and pain-relieving ointment, etc., combined with functional exercise as the main treatment. In addition, it can also be treated locally with acupuncture, hot compress, physiotherapy massage and other methods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection