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Editor’s note: Most people tend to ignore “core exercise” when exercising, but the core is very important to a person’s health and body shape. Having six pack abs does not mean that you have a good core training. Follow the 6 methods in this article to make your core stronger. This article is translated from Medium, author Joxen, and the original title is “ 6 Core Exercises Everyone Should Be Doing Every Day“, I hope to inspire you.

The “core” is the foundation of all sports. The core muscle group is responsible for stabilizing the center of gravity and transmitting power. It is the main link of the overall force. It plays a pivotal role in the movement and exertion of the upper and lower limbs. The powerful core muscle group stabilizes and supports the body posture, motor skills and special technical movements during exercise. Therefore, anyone with a graceful and upright posture, strong body control and balance, must have a well-trained core muscle group.

Core training is generally considered to be an integral part of sports development, and it is essential to make core training a daily habit.

Core training is rarely done separately, it is more of us as part of a comprehensive training program.

Lack of core stability may cause you to have many mild physical discomforts, such as back, knee or hip pain.

Running is easier to see the weakness and dysfunction of core muscle tissue than other sports. In the process of running, because the spine has to bear weight repeatedly at every step, there is a serious risk of injury to the structure of the spine. Running needs to absorb 2-3 times the strength of our own body weight, and every step must be repeated. Weak core muscles can have a negative impact on the biodynamics of running because it forces other muscles to compensate, and these muscles cannot do the job.

The more you force the wrong muscles to endure, the less you exercise your core muscles, and your muscles and tendons will become tighter and lazier, and the more likely you are to suffer acute Or chronic injury.

What is the core?

We have all seen six pack abs. Having pleasing, well-defined abdominal muscles does not mean that a person’s core muscles are great. These six pack abdominal muscles have a simple function: to flex the spine. Sit-ups can only help you so much. It is important to understand all the other muscle tissues that help the spine move.

The so-called “core” is the middle part of the human body, that is, the area below the shoulder joint and above the hip joint, including the pelvis. It is composed of the waist and bones.The pelvis and hip joints form a whole, including 29 muscles. This part of the exercise used to be called “abdominal training”, but from the 1990s to modern times, it was gradually expanded to “core training”.

Your core area protects your spine in three ways:

1. Stable

2. Alignment

3. Sports

The core part will withstand or transfer all the forces from one end to the other. It can initiate sports by itself, but its duty is to prevent dysfunctional and low-quality sports.

A weak core and poor neuromuscular control will eventually lead to poor movement patterns, which can lead to physical damage.

Our core moves in three different dimensions, called the plane of motion:

1. Sagittal plane: Back and forth movement, such as squatting.

2. Frontal Plane: Movement from side to side, such as side lunges.

3. Transverse Plane: Rotation action, such as Russian twist.

Most of people’s daily activities are in the sagittal plane, which is the problem. As a human being, you should not only move in one dimension, but in three dimensions. But our lifestyle today (sitting in the office, driving, sitting on the sofa, lying in bed) impairs our flexibility and makes our actions more painful.

For example, I have suffered from patella pain for several years, which mainly involves inflammation around the knee, especially when bending or climbing stairs. This problem arises because I overuse the wrong muscles during training, which causes me to feel pain when walking on slopes or applying pressure through my knees.

In order to solve this problem, I need to exercise the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and quadriceps. With the help of a physical therapist, I developed a plan to integrate the three levels of exercise. One month later, my pain was completely relieved.

How to train the core correctly?

If you have ever consulted a physical therapist, you will find that for 90% of your physical problems, the core of training is the solution.

When moving, your core is responsible for maintaining stability and transferring the weight of key parts of the body (such as the spine). The core muscles are not the main motivation. If you always use your waist to move when walking or climbing stairs, they will not be able to withstand the required strength. Eventually, you will soon become painful.

People usually use pure isolationrc=”” data-img-size-val=”500,333″>

Photo by Australian Fitness Academy

2. Plank [Anti-Extension]

Plank support is a solid anti-stretch exercise that teaches you to maintain a good posture. Pay attention to maintain a straight line-from shoulder to ankle. Slightly squeeze the gluteal muscles, and you cannot relieve tension by lifting the hips.

3. Dead Bug [Anti-Extension]

Lie flat on the mat, bend your knees and thighs and calves at a 90-degree angle, open your arms and straighten, tighten your abdomen, lift your shoulders and legs off the ground, twist your abdomen, and then use one palm joint to touch hard Touch the ankle of the bent leg on the other side of the body, and at the same time the other leg of the legs is off the ground, straighten, and then the abdomen is always in a tightened state, turn the waist and abdomen, so that the palm of the other side touches the other side One side of the ankle joint, at this time the side that began to bend the leg is restored to the straight state, but keep it off the ground, inhale the palm of the hand and touch one of the ankle joint during the turning process Breathe in an instant, then repeat the exercise.

Photo by

4. Fire Hydrant [Anti-Rotation]

Although the name is strange, it can shape the whole body, from the hip to the core. This action is designed to strengthen the gluteus medius to the external gluteus muscles and develop the stability and strength of your knees. This is one of the most effective exercises to treat my knee pain. When your legs are almost parallel to the ground, keep your back straight.

Photo by Openfit

5. Lying on both ends (superman) [Anti-Rotation]

Because this training action looks like a superman flying action, he is also called superman. This will help strengthen the gluteus maximus and muscles along the spine. The key to this exercise is to effectively mobilize your gluteus maximus and lower back muscles at the same time.

Photo by Openfit

6. Bird Dog [Anti-Rotation]

The four-legged kneeling position for hand and foot stretching is also called bird-dog pose, which is a relatively basic core training exercise. The action emphasizes that the body should keep the core stable during the movement of the hip and shoulder joints, and the lumbar spine (lower back) should not be bumped repeatedly.

Photo by Squat University

Exercise is a long-term game, and you shouldn’t exercise just for short-term benefits. Exercise is a lifelong journey of continuous improvement. Take your time, your body will thank you after many years.

Translator: Jane