Problem description: I recently went for a checkup and found that my urethritis is also fungal urethritis. What are the symptoms of his disease?
Date of problem:2020-10-10
Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: Female
Urinary tract infection has more symptoms , Mainly include: abnormal urination, common urination abnormalities include frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination.
Urine abnormalities, urinary tract infections can cause abnormal changes in urine. Common ones include bacteriuria, pyuria, hematuria and pneumourea. In addition, back pain is also one of the symptoms of urinary tract infection, which is related to functional diseases such as surrounding kidneys. Severe patients will have symptoms of dysuria or hematuria, urgency and dysuria, which is a symptom of bladder irritation. If the patient’s condition is confirmed to be caused by fungal infection, it is likely to be related to the patient’s own immune deviation.
We must always pay attention to keeping the urethra clean and hygienic. During the medication, eating more light foods rich in high-quality protein to supplement nutrition will help the recovery of the disease.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection