Problem description: During the 800-meter running test, I started to have difficulty breathing after about 300 meters, and I felt that I couldn’t breathe into my lungs. I felt chest pain when I took a deep breath. I couldn’t tell whether it was lung pain. The thoracic spine still hurts. After running, I feel almost suffocated, and I feel a little unsteady. When I ran, I felt sputum in my throat. It was useless to swallow and cough forcibly. I always felt blocked. I wanted to spit after running but couldn’t spit out because I couldn’t catch my breath. The sputum is normal in color but thick, and I vomited up several times until it became a little nauseous. After running, I can obviously feel my heartbeat speeding up and getting violent a lot. After a deep breath, my chest pain took a rest for more than an hour before it eased.
Question date:2020-10-28
Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, your symptoms consider whether it is a cold, respiratory tract infection, inflammatory exudates increase after strenuous exercise to accelerate breathing, so you have difficulty breathing.
Guiding suggestion: You have alleviated now, then the problem is not big. It is recommended that you take some medicine to relieve cough and reduce phlegm, and do not exercise vigorously during the future period of cold.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection