Problem description: It’s been a year since the palate is swollen and painful. Will it be better? If you smoke more, it will hurt even more.
Date of the problem:2020-10-31 < br />Patient information:Age: 27 years old, Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Generally divided into the following situations: 1. The most common reason is the patient’s body Obesity causes the accumulation of fat beside the palate, which makes the palate bigger. 2. The stimulation of chronic pharyngitis and oral inflammation leads to chronic hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the palate. If it is the first few situations, it is recommended that patients, while treating pharyngitis, while controlling their weight. If the papilloma of the palate causes hypertrophy,
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to be surgically removed. For the swelling caused by chronic inflammation, if the drug control is not effective, the resection of the palatine hypertrophy under local anesthesia can be done. After the operation, you can sew the anterior and posterior edges of the palate, and it will become smaller.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection