The consumer society will not die, and Internet celebrity products will never end.

Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “DoNews” (ID: ilovedonews), Author: Li Kexin, Editor: Yang Bocheng.

It is difficult to trace back, since when did we start to be surrounded by Internet celebrity products.

There is no doubt that Internet celebrity products are evolving. It not only broadens the soil for growth, but also multiplies more varieties.

For example, clothing, shoes and boots, fresh fruits and vegetables, the former cannot have many online celebrity products, and if you wear too many, you will be afraid of hitting your shirt; the latter is agricultural and sideline products, and there is not much room for development. But today, even if the net celebrity item is difficult to produce, there is no shortage of talk about the trend circle.

The yoga pants of “XX Lemon” and the breathable “Coconut Shoes” of woven mesh can still be wrapped in different layers; when people shouted “Cherry Freedom” and “Lemon Freedom”, Dalian, Anyue Other places of origin were also praised by the way.

But all evolutions follow the evolution of the consumer society.

How hard is the internet celebrity product?

Food and beverage are the breeding grounds for the most common Internet celebrity products.

Especially in times when the epidemic is trapped, there is always a product that can add some fun. The snail noodles are not allowed to be the first, even from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, the popularity has not diminished.

The subtle sour odor makes people feel sour, and it tastes sour and refreshing. This wonderful experience is the root cause of the snail fan’s summit, and it also makes it straight to the center of the universe’s discussion.

“Why snail noodles are not shipped yet” and “Liuzhou snail noodles are out of stock”, similar topics have frequently appeared in hot searches. It even attracted Sinopec, Wuling Motors, and KFC to cross the border and embark on the road of chasing snail fans.

Under the leadership of snail noodles, self-heating small hot pot, self-heating rice, hot and sour noodles, and noodles have also ushered in a wave of sales peaks.

Internet celebrity products that focus on health and low-calorie storytelling also received a lot of attention last year. Meal-replacement cereals and meal-replacement milkshakes, in the live broadcast of Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi, frequently set new sales records. “0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories” sparkling water has become a fanatic, and the rows of noodles on the shelves of major convenience stores are proof that they are thriving.

The lingering street food is also the “hardest hit area” for Internet celebrity products.

The fast-growing and fast-death products are: Shar Pei ice cream cake, a product that fires due to its shape, and finally turned off because of its shape; smoking ice cream, eaten from a fairy-like gas, but stopped due to hidden dangers; dirty; dirty Dirty bags, dirty tea, stepping on the dirty tuyere, and the answer tea, answer coffee, and the mentality of “divination” exploded rapidly, but because of the lack of follow-up innovation, they all died down.

In the ascendant: yogurt, durian stuffed twists, “soft and not greasy”; Xinjiang baked buns, “onion and lamb with a set, very strong”; with lemon aroma, hangingThai lemon tea with green water, “looks scary, drank two sips, it is really fragrant”, too many cases are counted.

Capturing the taste buds of diners and entering the delisting menu is the ultimate victory of Internet celebrity food.

From the essential daily necessities at home to all kinds of small household appliances, they are even more pervasive.

“Amino acid cleansing face” has been fired up, and many new products have been promoted as “amino acid”. Even the shampoo has not escaped this arrangement. You can always see it from the dressing table to the bathroom. Familiar words;

In the “Teeth Project”, the teeth whitening paste was used by the collective Amway of the beauty bloggers, and the products with the “plaque removal” products are even more dazzling, such as mouthwash, water floss, and electric flushing. The sales of dental appliances, etc. surpass 10,000 at every turn.

Breakfast machines, egg cookers, juicers, air fryers, etc., net celebrity appliances that are very cost-effective, have also challenged consumers’ meager resistance, but their inefficient practicality and quality The problem has also become a “routine” that consumers cannot escape.

If you go deeper, you can also see them in small circles. In this regard, the blind box is well-deserved and the most convincing product. It has become popular from the niche circle to the mass circle, and even evolved to the point where everything can be blind box.

It cannot be denied that the ubiquitous Internet celebrity products have penetrated into all aspects of our lives.

Internet celebrity products X.0

If you look into it carefully, Internet celebrity products are nothing new.

Since the birth of the consumer society, Internet celebrity products have followed closely.

In the memories of those born in the 80s and 90s, there may be fragments like this: Little Swan Washing Machine, Bee Sewing Machine, Permanent Bicycle, Yumeijing Children’s Cream, Vivid Hand Cream, Dabao SOD Honey. As long as we read it, there is no need to deliberately recall, similar products will follow.

The time was earlier. In the Qing Dynasty, there was “Dutch Water”, which is a carbonated drink, which is also the soft drink that is often drunk now; in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was “Yinzi”, a drink made from fruits and health-care herbs. It can be called the ancient version of “Wang Laoji”; the roasted meat created by Mr. Su Dongpo has been carried forward by the innovation of the restaurant, and the “Dongpo meat” has become popular ever since.

In an era when products are scarce, Internet celebrity products are often brands, and they are easy to become popular.

In the past, every household was watching TV, and only big brands would put advertisements on TV, and there were only a few that could be called brands. People eat and wear, even if they are the same, it doesn’t matter that they can afford to use them, and they can be called the “middle class” now.

In today’s era of material abundance, brands wanting to rely on Internet celebrity products are an instant hit, and it becomes even more difficult.

Images, texts, videos, live broadcasts, the media are changing, and the audience’s attention is also distracted. Crowd iteration, not only at the cultural level and cognitive levelThere is an overall improvement, and even Linlang Liuli, who has seen the great world, has long been unwilling to compromise. Under the background of the great era where various tributaries converge, Internet celebrity products are rapidly refurbished and die quickly, which has become an inescapable fate.

From the masses to the niche era, the evolving version of Internet celebrity products also shows some common features.

Marketing scholar Wang Xiaobo summed it up as: high value, interactive, good experience, and sense of value. In his view, the current young consumer groups are unwilling to stick to clichés, and the pressure of life and work has made them miserable. They hope to find a spiritual fit outside the product itself. This is why Internet celebrity products are becoming more and more popular. The more personalized the root.

Perhaps these are too superficial, and they always sound a bit of distance. If you leave these theoretical studies aside, can you use the most familiar common sense to explain why Internet celebrity products are so desperately pursued, why people fall into the “law of true fragrance” time and time again?

Summarize with one article: grasp the weakness of human nature. Throughout the past and present of Internet celebrity products, the essence of their successful invasions mostly revolves around the seven sins of mankind: arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, lust and gluttony. Take an Internet celebrity product to compare, there are always one or two points that can match.

Internet celebrity small appliances capture the “laziness” of human nature, and the blind box captures the “greed” of human nature; novel food and expensive beauty equipment can easily evoke the “Fanxue” contest of human beings. Arrogance”; those who see sharing must also taste and buy it, which is “jealous”.

The opposite of weakness—humanity’s kindness and warmth are often used by Internet celebrity products. For example, the Shar Pei ice cream cake has a warm and cute shape, which is easy to please girls.

Depending on the weakness of human nature, no matter how the times change and where the consumer society will extend in the future, Internet celebrity products can always climb upwards.

Internet celebrity products get rich password

Taking advantage of human weakness is just a fulcrum, and “culture hits porcelain” is the key to becoming popular from Internet celebrities.

For example, touch porcelain cat culture. The most successful case in recent years is the Starbucks Cat Claw Cup. They were all sold out within a minute of going online, and some even grabbed a cup and fought at Starbucks. Ordinary cups have triggered a panic buying by the whole people, and they are inseparable from the empowerment of cat culture.

There is a conclusion in Japan: no matter what kind of field is involved, as long as the cat is used well, it will definitely be profitable, that is, the cat is equal to the economy. Even if it is not an army of pet raising, small animals can always empathize with people very well. Starbucks has also grasped this point and cleverly combined the meow culture with its products, and succeeded in making a lot of money.

Foreign culture is also a heavyweight play for online celebrity products in disguise. A certain brand of sparkling water in a Japanese coat is still controversial due to cultural touch with porcelain. From the packaging to the product name, it is full of Japanese atmosphere, which gives people the illusion that “this is imported” at a glance.

The Nordic style, European and American style of touching porcelain, the same thing is”Mixed-blood” rubbed the ball, and the product instantly covered a layer of imported advanced filters. Purchasing this product is not only a symbol of taste and aesthetic pursuit, but also a symbol of status and high quality of life.

It is precisely because of a little bit of public vanity that Internet celebrity products have the ability to reach people’s wallets step by step.

As Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular nowadays, many products have realized the transformation of identity from Internet celebrities to brands.

Zhong Xuegao uses Chinese-style building tiles as a design prototype, which makes consumers shine with a highly recognizable appearance. Later, in the continuous taste innovation, Zhong Xuegao continued to use Chinese culture to enrich the brand image:

For example, the joint name Luzhou Laojiao, Fresh Stewed Bird’s Nest, the new “Baijiu Fragmented Ice Cream”, “Bird’s Nest Liquid Ice Cream”, using red beans, golden autumn and other images with Chinese aesthetic connotations, and fusion of imported flavors in the creation of ice cream Boundary wandered out a new way.

The Internet is fragmented and fragmented. The national epidemic has been difficult to reproduce, and the small-scale prevalent circle culture has gradually become a means of high-frequency use of Internet celebrity products.

The sudden emergence of blind boxes is precisely the rise of the culture of the niche circle, and even the continuous overflow to the mass circle, allowing people to continue to understand and join this wave. The Hanfu circle and the fried shoe circle can also witness this force.

The circle culture can be understood as a kind of class story, or circle story. To put it more vividly, it is the Moutai of young people, all of which belong to a new type of social currency.

No matter what kind of culture, there is a certain emotional sustenance and spiritual dependence of young people. Facts continue to prove that cultural touch porcelain is a shortcut to enter the spiritual world of young people.

Looking at it this way, Internet celebrity products don’t seem so mysterious.