Problem description: I have abdominal pain in the morning. After I went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said it was gallstones. What should I do about the gallstones in the parturient?
Question date:2020-10-25
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
Maternal gallstones can be through diet Adjust to ease.
Usually, you must avoid high-cholesterol foods in your diet, such as egg yolks, animal offal, seafood, etc. The main reason is that excessive intake of high-cholesterol foods may lead to enlargement and increase of stones. For the symptoms that cannot be relieved by dietary adjustment, surgery is required. Surgical treatment also requires fetal protection.
During pregnancy, you need to go to the hospital for regular check-ups. Through the check-ups, you can observe the development of the fetus. At the same time, you can rule out whether you have family genetic diseases. You should also pay more attention to rest.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection