Problem description: On the second day of a clean menstruation, my boyfriend smashed in, some did not ejaculate on the third day, and the boyfriend smashed in, some still ejaculated in vitro. Will I get pregnant after taking the emergency contraceptive pill three hours later? My menstrual cycle is 28 to 30, and my menstrual period is five days. Is it the first time I take birth control pills that it will have a big impact on my body? How many days will it be postponed if menstruation is delayed?
Question date:2020-11-10
Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your current description, if your menstrual cycle is regular, this time is not in the ovulation period.
Guidelines: So you don’t need to take emergency contraceptives in this situation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection