Problem description: I am a Guyuan patient. I was pregnant for 2 months. I saw blood in my vagina. I went for an examination today. According to the color Doppler ultrasound, the doctor said that the fetal heart rate is not obvious. Now my stomach hurts and my back hurts. < br />Question date:2020-11-13
Patient information:Age: 37 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis:< /b>First of all, if there is no problem with the time of pregnancy, two months of pregnancy is eight weeks, most of them should have a fetal heart rate. If they have not, there may be a missed abortion.
Guidelines: b>If you have abdominal pain or bleeding, no matter what the situation, you should go to the hospital immediately if you have this symptom when you are pregnant. Go to the hospital first.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination.