Problem description: My breasts have obviously become smaller after breastfeeding after giving birth to my baby, which makes me feel very unconfident. Recently, I was considering breast augmentation. I heard that breast augmentation requires silicone. May I ask this kind of silicone? Take it out?
Question date: 2020-11-09
Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: Female
Silicone breast augmentation is available domestically and imported Yes, generally imported silicone breast augmentation can be kept for life without taking it, while domestically produced prosthesis usually needs to be replaced once every 10 years.
Silicone breast augmentation has domestic and imported ones. Generally, imported silicone breast augmentation prostheses can be as high as hundreds of thousands, which can last for a lifetime. There is no need to worry about the problem of rupture and leakage, because the silicone breast augmentation prosthesis has seven layers of isolation and leakage prevention skills. Silica gel and rough surface material can prevent capsular contracture. The domestic silicone breast augmentation should be checked occasionally after implantation, and the prosthesis should be replaced every 10 years; if you go to a regular hospital, you will buy a regular and better quality silicone prosthesis, and there is no obvious infection after the operation. No need to take out if allergies are not rejected.
Postoperative care should be done to keep the chest clean, prevent infection, and avoid eating irritating foods such as peppers.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection