Problem description: My husband has a particularly poor appetite recently. He feels full before eating, and he has stomach pains all the time. I don’t feel relieved. I went to the hospital and said it was duodenal ulcer. , What are the symptoms of duodenal ulcer?
Question date: 2020-11-11
Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: Male
Duodenal ulcers will appear Pain in the upper abdomen.
It usually occurs on an empty stomach. As the disease progresses, chronic periodic or rhythmic characteristics may appear. The pain is generally dull, tender, or burning. After eating, the pain will gradually ease. If the disease is more serious, you can use drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion under the guidance of a doctor for treatment.
In addition to pain, patients may also show symptoms such as decreased appetite, abnormal bowel movements, acid reflux and heartburn. In the event of an abnormality, go to the hospital’s gastroenterology department for examination in time, and take specific treatment measures in time based on your physical condition.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection