Problem description: The doctor said that I have an atrial septal defect, and there is a murmur in the heart. What is the cause of the atrial septal defect heart murmur?
Question date:2020-11-17
Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: Male
Atrial septal defect has formed a relative Sexually narrow, so you can hear the jet murmur of the retractor.
Atrial septal defect itself does not produce heart murmurs. The reason why the heart murmur of atrial septal defect can be heard is that the atrial septal defect will cause changes in the hemodynamics of the heart, which will cause the enlargement of the right ventricle and the formation of a large amount of blood flow through the normal pulmonary valve. The relative narrowness of the heart, so you will hear the jet murmur of the contractor in the 2-3 intercostal space of the left edge of the heart. The loudness of the murmur has a certain relationship with the degree of relative narrowness.
Patients need to stay in bed after the operation, and they also need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to apply anticoagulant drugs to prevent the occurrence of thromboembolism. At the same time, they are given a high-protein and high-fiber diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination