Problem description: I have always felt back pain recently. Then I went to the hospital for an examination and found that I had uterine fibroids. I suspected that it was caused by uterine fibroids. Can uterine fibroids cause numbness?
Question date:2020-11-21
Patient information:Age: 31 Gender: Female
Uterine fibroids generally do not cause numbness.
People now have symptoms of numbness in the lower extremities, which may be caused by poor blood circulation or lumbar spine disease, and they need to go to the hospital for examination in time. Symptomatic treatment can be done after the specific cause is diagnosed. However, if the fibroids are very large, the age is also very large, other surgical reasons such as leg pain and numbness may also cause numbness of the lower limbs.
Suggestion: Pay attention to fasting raw and cold irritating foods, such as crabs, peppers, raw onions, raw garlic, etc. It is forbidden to take hot foods, such as lychee, longan, donkey-hide gelatin, and royal jelly. These are all hot foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection