Problem description: I went to the hospital for a physical examination some time ago. I was told by the doctor that I had uterine fibroids yesterday. I was a little scared when I heard others say that I want to remove my uterus. Do I have to remove my uterus for uterine fibroids?
Question date: 2020-11-21
Patient information: Age: 27 Gender: Female
Uterine fibroids do not necessarily have to be removed uterus.
If there are multiple uterine fibroids, the uterus needs to be removed during surgery. Multiple uterine fibroids are not easy to do during stripping, and it is not easy to clean them. Generally, hysterectomy is required. Uterine fibroids are generally benign, and do not require radiotherapy or chemotherapy after surgery, and hospitalization is almost the same for about a week. Uterine fibroids are classified into intramural tumors, subserosal tumors, submucosal tumors and broad ligament fibroids according to the location of the uterine muscle wall. If the fibroids are small, there are no symptoms, no complications, and degeneration. , Especially patients who are close to menopause can not be treated temporarily.
Note that if uterine fibroids grow faster, there is a possibility of malignant transformation. If uterine fibroids are relatively large and frequent urination, constipation and other oppressive symptoms need to be removed.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection