Problem description: Hello, I am a patient with thyroid nodules. I had a thyroidectomy at the beginning of August, and I was treated with iodine 131 in November, and I took 2 and three-quarters a day. I feel a bit of postoperative hypothyroidism, and my body is getting fat. If I take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, can the symptoms of hypothyroidism be cured and the weight can be controlled
Question date: 2020-12-21
Patient information: b>Age: 17 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: In this case, a thyroid function test is generally required. If the thyroid function is in the normal range, the control is better and you can continue to treat and observe , Regular review, as long as the thyroid function is controlled within the normal range.
Guide and suggestion: In this case, you need to insist on treatment, take medication on time, and regularly review your thyroid function. As long as the thyroid function is controlled within the normal range, you need to stick to the medication and not stop the medication.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection