Description of the problem: Hello, my child died after seven and a half months of pregnancy. The child died after induction of labor and died three days after the induction of labor. What sequelae affect future pregnancy and childbirth?
Date of the problem:< /b>2021-01-01
Patient information:Age: 23 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Generally, it is difficult to give birth to children after induction of labor If affected, a major person will have some gynecological inflammation and some menstrual disorders.
Guidance suggestion: If the labor is induced without uterine purging, the menstruation will be normal after the labor is induced, and there will be no other discomfort in the future. Generally speaking, it will not have a big impact, but seven There must be some reasons for the fetus stillbirth after more than a month, and I need to check it.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection