Problem description: Six or seven years ago, I caused glaucoma due to high intraocular pressure, and then severely removed my eyeballs. This year, there was an acne on the corners of my eyes during the epidemic. Later, I cut them with scissors at Tongren Hospital. Four or five months ago, Another big piece of meat grew out of my eyes, and then I went to the director Niu of Tongren Hospital to see it. After pathology, it was benign. Director Niu introduced him to him. Director Li of the People’s Hospital of his classmate took a look and said that it would be controlled by radiotherapy and not let it grow. , I want to ask Dr. Li, is there any good way for me?
Question date:2021-01-06
Patient information:Age: 45 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, there is no malignancy in your inspection, so don’t worry, you need to pay attention to clean the eye conjunctiva, reduce irritation, and prevent the swelling from growing gradually.
Guide and suggestion: Be careful not to eat spicy food, do not smoke or drink, eat a light diet, drink more water to promote metabolism and eliminate toxins from the body, eat more foods that are easy to digest and absorb vitamins-rich foods , Regularly review and clean up secretions.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection