Problem description: I found out that I was pregnant two days ago, but this child cannot be taken. I heard that the price difference between ordinary and painless people is half the price. Is it painful for ordinary people?
Question date:2020-11-28
Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: Female
Ordinary traffic will be very obvious Painful.
Ordinary abortion patients need to endure both the dilation of the cervix and the severe pain during suction, and the pain when the uterine wall is stimulated by the impact of the straw. The average person cannot tolerate the pain of ordinary abortion, and the patient is feeling the pain The uterus will contract when it is painful, which can easily affect the effect of the operation and cause greater damage to the body.
When a patient wants to perform an abortion operation, it is recommended to use a painless abortion operation. The patient is unconscious during the operation, which will not affect the doctor’s operation and cause little harm to the body.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection