Problem description: I usually have lower abdomen pain. I prefer to beat the lower abdomen. I went to the hospital for a physical examination a few days ago. The doctor said that I might have blocked fallopian tubes. Will frequent beats on the lower abdomen cause blockage of the fallopian tubes?
Date of the problem: 2020-12-04
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
Beating the lower abdomen frequently will not block the fallopian tubes .
Fallopian tube obstruction is caused by gynecological inflammation that has not been effectively treated for a long time. This disease usually affects women’s fertility function. You can go to the hospital for abdominal B-ultrasound and leucorrhea routine examination to treat gynecological inflammation , You can also do fallopian tube imaging, according to the severity of the blockage, choose a suitable treatment method, and frequent beats on the lower abdomen will not cause blockage of the fallopian tubes.
During treatment, consider good personal hygiene habits, change and wash underwear frequently. If there is gynecological inflammation, try to avoid intercourse, which may lead to aggravation of inflammation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination