Problem description: I have been married for two years and have not been pregnant. I went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor said that there was a blockage in the fallopian tubes. I didn’t want to have surgery. I was afraid of pain. I wanted to drink herbal medicine for treatment. Can herbs cure blocked fallopian tubes?
Question date: 2020-12-04
Patient information: Age: 29 Gender: Female
Herbal medicine can treat blocked fallopian tubes.
The treatment of blocked fallopian tubes needs to be selected according to the degree of the disease. If it is only a mild adhesion, it can be treated by local injection of liquid or oral Chinese medicine under the guidance of a doctor. However, the curative effect of Chinese medicine is relatively slow, and the condition is prone to recurrence once the medicine is stopped. , If the obstruction is more serious, it needs to be treated by infusion or water and acupuncture.
It is best to lie supine after the fluid drainage operation, and keep warm during the period. In terms of diet, you can eat some light and digestible foods. You can go to the hospital for review after a week of recovery.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination