Problem description: My hair is losing severely these days, and it is also accompanied by insomnia, poor spirits, and alopecia areata. After the examination, it is alopecia nervosa. How to treat alopecia nervosa?
Question date:2020-12-05
Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: Female
Neuropathic alopecia areata can be treated with medication .
Patients with neuropathic alopecia areata can use blood oxidizing drugs to replenish the body’s blood and nourish hair, promote hair growth in the area of ​​alopecia areata, and use nerve-regulating drugs can improve patients with sleep deprivation and sleep dysfunction, and can promote hair growth. Prevent your own illness from getting worse. The specific dosage and time of medication should be carefully prescribed by the doctor.
Usually, avoid staying up all night for a long time, and eat black sesame seeds, black beans, and foods containing melanin in an appropriate amount, which is conducive to hair growth and improves the symptoms of alopecia areata.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination