Problem description: My sister has always liked to drink beverages since she was a child. As her younger sister gets older, she is worried about her infertility in the future. Will drinking beverages lead to infertility?
Date of problem: 2020-12-06
Patient information: Age: 21 Gender: Female
Drinking beverages will not cause problems Infertile.
Drinking beverages will not cause infertility, but long-term large amounts of beverages have an impact on the body. Nowadays, there are too many additives in beverages, especially sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which is seriously diabetes and hypercoagulability. You should develop good living habits and at the same time control your own drinking habit, so as to help restore your health and avoid greater damage to your body.
Suggestion: You should drink less beverages at ordinary times. You can make some freshly squeezed juices to supplement vitamins. At ordinary times, you should also pay more attention to exercise to keep your body healthy.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination