Problem description: 44 years old, erect but not hard, every time you ejaculate too fast, it is difficult to get an erection the second time, my wife is often unsatisfied with sex, this phenomenon has been six or seven years. In recent years, I have been seeking medical treatment, but I can’t find a good medicine to solve the problem. I have eaten Bawei Yishen Pills, but I have no good results after taking it for several months. I was checked for signs of prostatitis in a regular hospital and prescribed some medications, but now my sex life has not improved. Is there a good treatment? Can you recover without being hospitalized and taking medicine?
Question date: 2021-01-18
Patient information: Age: 44 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, it may be caused by kidney deficiency dysfunction.
Guidelines: The main thing is to pay attention to strengthening exercises and eat more kidney-tonifying foods. In this case, it is recommended to take Fufang Xuanju Capsules for conditioning for a period of time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection