Problem description: I ate contraceptives in the same room with my girlfriend two months ago, and my aunt has not come since 12.27, but I have a condom for intercourse, but I took it for a few seconds twice. Zhong puts on the shooting set again. My girlfriend recently wanted to vomit and love to eat sour. I didn’t sleep enough and often felt irritable. Is this a side effect of birth control pills or I am pregnant.
Problem date: 2021-02-15
Patient information:Age: 18 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, I am your doctor. I have recently Haven’t eaten spicy food?
Guiding suggestions: In this case, you can take a test paper to see how many bars are, and rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
The suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital. Detailed inspection