Problem description: The hymen should not be broken, and there is no bleeding. Will you get pregnant in this case? What should I do if I am pregnant? Can I take birth control pills?
Question date:2021-02-19
Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Female, 17 years old, the hymen has not broken during sex life. Consult if pregnancy is possible and take contraceptives.
Guidelines: If the hymen is not broken, you can’t say that you can’t get pregnant. If you don’t have contraceptive measures, such as fear of pregnancy, it is recommended to take oral emergency contraceptives, but within 72 hours after the same room, the sooner the better the effect . If it is determined that the pregnancy is not necessary, abortion, drug abortion or abortion is required. If you choose short-acting oral contraceptives for contraception, you should start taking it on the first 1-3 days of normal menstruation, and take one pill a day for 21 days.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection