Description of the problem: After coming here, my aunt’s right chest pain, what is the reason?
Date of the problem: 2021-02-25
Patient information: b>Age: 23 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: The pain in the right chest must depend on the specific part. First, see if it is the pain in the breast, and whether the pain is aggravated by pressing the breast. Secondly, it depends on whether the painful part is above or below the nipple. If it is above, check whether there is pressure pain. If there is pain, it is mostly costochondritis. If there is no pain, check the lungs. If it is pain under the nipple, focus on the liver and gallbladder.
Guidelines: See if there are problems such as cholecystitis. There is also a small number of patients, the pain may be caused by gastroduodenitis, which tends to occur more frequently, which has a lot to do with eating. It can be tentatively treated according to digestive tract problems. If you want to further clarify the problem, you can describe in detail the location of the pain, the symptoms that accompany it, and whether there is tenderness or not.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection