Problem description: Chronic prostatitis, I am taking traditional Chinese medicine now, and the penis is cold. Now I am taking traditional Chinese medicine for frequent urination and urgency. The symptoms of inexhaustible urination are still not much improved.
Problem date: b>2021-03-10
Patient information:Age: 40 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Chronic prostatitis can eat three gold tablets Or levofloxacin capsules for the treatment effect is better, you must drink plenty of water to promote more urination, to relieve the inflammation of the prostate, not drinking during the treatment will increase the inflammation of the prostate.
Guidance suggestion: Prostatitis usually causes frequent urination, urgency and painful urination, which may be caused by the irritation of the prostate caused by frequent drinking.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection