Problem description: The discharge certificate says that there is fecal occult blood. It is fine for the follow-up visit 6 days after discharge. The baby is taking breast milk, but the stool is separated from the water and stool. The amino acid milk powder and lactase that are being eaten now, add 2 to 3 a day The second breast milk has stool occult blood in the stool at 5 this afternoon. I would like to ask what to do with this general situation.
Question date: 2021-03-11
Patient information :Age: 23 days Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to the situation you described, you should pay attention to your diet, don’t overeat or overeat, don’t overeat Breastfeeding.
Guide and suggestion: You can cooperate with Mommy’s love to regulate the intestines and stomach, keep your abdomen warm, do not catch cold, and regularly review your stool routine blood routine.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection