Problem description: Onset time: Once a month Symptoms: I do not know when I suddenly fainted, I woke up with a headache, unsteady body, bad breath, biting the tongue, general nerve discomfort, dry eyes, thinking Sleeping, I don’t get enough sleep, I often sweat, and my body is very hot. I have been taking sodium propionate twice a day as required by the hospital doctor for about a year, but I still fainted every month.
Problem date :2021-04-17
Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: My monthly I fainted twice. This may be epilepsy. Did you have an EEG examination? Look, has the frequency of sodium valproate reduced in the future?
Guidance suggestion: If the EEG is not done, do an EEG examination, and then measure the blood pressure concentration of sodium valproate, and the effective blood concentration has not been reached. If it is reached and has not been controlled, I can add other drugs or adjust the drugs. Let’s take a look at the cause of your syncope or seizure. Targeted etiological treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection