Problem description: I did double eyelids yesterday, which is asymmetrical, what should I do?
Question date:2021-04-18
Patient information:Age: 42 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello! Is it full cut or wire carving? You did it yesterday. It should be in a period of swelling. It is not yet possible to judge whether it is really asymmetrical, or it may be due to swelling, which looks asymmetrical. It is recommended not to eat spicy and greasy food, do not use your eyes when tired, and judge after the swelling period. If there is really asymmetry, you can choose to repair it.
Guide and suggestion: You can redesign the double eyelid on the other side that failed to be reshaped according to the ideal one. That is, according to the ideal side, the double eyelid on the side where the incision and plastic surgery failed is redesigned, so that the two sides can achieve the same effect. It should be noted that it is best to go to the plastic surgery department of a public tertiary hospital, which is more secure.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection