Problem description: Disease description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): My disease is called kidney failure to absorb drugs. What is the matter with kidney failure to absorb drugs? Kidney-tonifying Chinese medicine does not absorb the medicine after taking it for a month, and it has no effect. Acanthopanax senticosus injection does not absorb the medicine for 10 days after infusion, and it has no effect. After taking Liuwei Dihuangwei for a month, the kidney does not absorb the medicine, and it has no effect. Later, it was discovered that the function of kidney absorbing medicine to promote marrow and brain function did not work. How to make the function of kidney absorption of medicine, marrow and brain function work. What kind of medicine can be taken to make the function of kidney absorption of medicine, marrow and brain function work. Other functions of the kidney are normal. My stomach is very good. Liver and kidney function tests were normal, liver and kidney color Doppler ultrasound tests were normal, blood tests were normal, urine tests were normal, and my bowel movements were normal. I want the kidney to absorb the medicine.
Question date: 2021-04-21
Patient information:Age: 33 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello! According to the theory of Chinese medicine: the kidney is the organ that holds the essence. The non-absorption of medicines you talked about is related to the decline in the collection function of the kidneys. That is kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine.
Guidance suggestion: From the symptoms and examinations you have mentioned, it is similar to the common symptoms of kidney-yin deficiency. It is recommended to try Chinese patent medicine Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the kidney and nourish yin. At the same time, hot substances are contraindicated.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection