Problem description: I often cough up a few transparent talks when I wake up. They are yellowish like drops of water. I have had them before, and they have started to have them in the past few days. There is also a problem with my left nose. It is often blocked and occasionally bleeding. Is this related to the nose?
Date of problem: 2021-04-22
Patient information:Age: 29-year-old gender: male
Problem analysis: According to your description, this situation first depends on whether there is pharyngitis. Generally, people with chronic pharyngitis are prone to chronic cough and sputum. It has a certain relationship with the change of seasons, such as the alternation of cold and warm.
Guide and suggestion: In this case, you can take Qinghou Liyan granules or Yinhuang dripping pills for a try. The diet must avoid spicy and irritating. The diagnosis can be further confirmed by doing a laryngoscopy.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection